准备领导国家, whether as a presidential hopeful or an incumbent seeking a second term, 需要广泛的人员规划, 政策, 预算和治理.
过渡工作必须在总统竞选期间开始,这样新政府才能在第一天就做好执政的准备, 和 so that a second-term president will be prepared for a fresh start.
如果管理得当,这个计划可以带来成功. 处理不好, 总统可能容易犯战略错误,难以应对严重的国家安全和国内挑战.
电子竞技押注平台伙伴关系 总统过渡中心 这个国家最重要的无党派信息和资源来源是否旨在帮助总统候选人及其团队为新政府和现任总统准备第二任期奠定基础.
The Center provides critical assistance on organizing a presidential transition; helps career officials prepare for incoming leadership; offers guidance to political appointees on unique aspects of government management; promotes transition improvements; 和 provides guidance on second term planning.
准备好执政® 一系列90分钟的入门课程是为了帮助即将上任的政治任命者和联邦领导人在一个复杂的联邦组织中穿行,并成功地扮演他们的新角色吗.
被任命者可以参加多达11个模块,这些模块的内容来自与联邦领导人的数百次对话. These sessions are led by bipartisan faculty comprised of current or former political appointees 和 career executives.
了解更多 了解我们的影响即食
我们的“随时服务”网站是一站式服务,帮助寻求各种总统任命的候选人评估他们的资格,并在复杂的提名和确认过程中导航. 该网站提供指南, webinars 和 expert advice from former political appointees on background investigations, completing financial disclosure 和 ethics forms, 参议院的确认经验等等.
总统需要填补大约4个空缺,000个政治任命的政府职位, 包括1个以上,200个职位需要参议院批准. 尽管这些工作很重要, there is no up-to-date source of information about who holds these positions, which jobs are vacant or the status of Senate confirmations.
电竞下注靠谱平台者, 由合伙公司和《电竞下注靠谱平台》运营, 解决了这个问题, 让我们看到,无论哪个党派控制国会和白宫,我们的政府都在为填补参议院确认的关键职位而不断挣扎.
过渡的实验室 is a 48-episode podcast series offering listeners an in-depth look at presidential transitions. 每一集都有著名的嘉宾,涵盖的话题从我们的政府如何安排权力转移到最具历史意义的美国总统交接.
乔治·W·布什总统的前幕僚长. 布什
Former United States Senator, Former Chair of the Biden-Harris Transition
Former Governor of Utah, Former Chair of the Romney Readiness Project
Former Chief of Staff to President Bill Clinton
只有在公众相信相关人员会尊重民主选举的结果,并重视新政府在上任前就做好执政准备的必要性的情况下,总统的过渡才能有效. 美国总统权力交接中心(总统过渡中心)进行了一项具有全国代表性的调查,以了解美国人对总统权力交接习俗的看法. 调查发现,56%的美国人同意,如果2024年大选由另一位候选人获胜,将会实现和平过渡. By contrast, 44% of Americans did not think a transfer would be peaceful or were unsure. The public’s doubt should serve as both a call to action 和 an opportunity. 政府领导人和中心这样的组织必须支持公众理解和平过渡作为我们民主的一个关键功能的重要性.
As President Joe Biden’s administration enters its third year, conventional wisdom suggests there will be a number of key changes to the leadership teams running federal agencies. Some senior officials will get promoted while others will leave. Some will just be starting their jobs after finally getting through the lengthy Senate confirmation process. 在过去的六个月里, about 230 people have been confirmed by the Senate to begin work in key leadership roles.
The Senate created the privileged nomination process more than a decade ago, 这一程序旨在加快对大约280个通常没有争议的职位提名的确认. 尽管这是善意的努力, nominees on the privileged calendar are worse off today than they were before the reform was adopted.
电子竞技押注平台伙伴组织的总统过渡中心自2016年底以来一直在追踪参议院批准的总统任命. 今年, we tracked 和 analyzed how President Joe Biden’s first year in office compares with the previous three presidents, examining his nominations 和 confirmations from Jan. 2021年12月20日至12月20日. 31, 2021.
使用由电子竞技押注平台伙伴组织和《电竞下注靠谱平台》编制的政治任命跟踪数据以及专家分析, 本报告强调了填补参议院确认的职位以及提名和确认过程中的主要趋势.
尽管面临着前所未有的挑战, President Biden oversaw one of the most well-planned presidential transitions in U.S. 历史. 电子竞技押注平台伙伴关系 总统交接中心 supported this process behind the scenes, 在拜登团队准备就职之际,为其提供重要见解,并与政府各利益攸关方合作,促进有效的权力交接.
联邦机构在总统大选前后以及新政府上台的最初几个月都面临着一连串的挑战. 在整个过渡时期, 电子竞技押注平台伙伴关系汇集了近40个机构的过渡领导人,以帮助改善这一进程.